Awww Geeeze, Kathy!!! Another picture???

Chiropractor extraordinaire...4 years Corazon veteran!!!

The family always fixes lunch...usually beans, rice and tortillas...this year, a special deep fried cheese and meat tasty treat and some awesome homemade salsa!!!

A well deserved siesta...first time at a Super Build and all tuckered out!!!

It's another good ol' fashion roof raising...

Tools of the trade...

Design consultation for the counter...
another Super Build first timer and already an expert tile setter!!!

Yep! I do believe this board's straight!!!
He should know...not only is he a contractor by trade, he's a 4 year veteran of the
Rotary Super Builds!!!

Showing his appreciation for his first time building!!!

Family participation...

The roof brigade!!!

Big brother and little sis getting excited about their new loft!!!

Mom, Dad and little "who's it"

The whole family!!!

Builders extraordinaire...
So Pas Rotary, Blair High School Interact Club (Rotary sponsored leadership club), and Corazon volunteers...
If you're interested in more information or volunteering for a Corzon project click here.