Monday, July 11, 2016

Our Little Corner of the World..Getting a Birds Eye View of Victoria Falls!!!

We weren't quite satisfied with our walk along the edge of Victoria Falls... we decided to take to the skies!!!

We arrived at the heliport and had to take care of the usual paperwork... know...
the paperwork that says you won't sue the beejeebies out of them if the helicopter falls out of the sky!

To keep our minds off the fact that we've just signed our lives away...
...this smiling gentleman entertained us with his traditional music.

On the way to the helicopter we saw these beautiful flowers.

And here it is!  Our sweet ride!

Take off was interesting and fun...

...with pretty incredible views!

If you look to the left of center you'll see a row of buildings...
...that is our hotel!
And off to the right, you can see the spray from the falls.

Pretty amazing crevice!!!
See the rainbow near the top of the falls crevice?

This made me think of all the earthquake movies that show the earth just opening up!!!

There's a bit of reflection on the window glass...

...but if you look closely, you can see the falls.

Seeing the bridge and the cars on the road begins to put this massive natural wonder into perspective!

More reflections in the window...but wow!  What a view!!!

We even saw some elephants from up in the wild blue yonder!

Back safely on the ground...and ready for our next adventure!

Click on the images below to visit more little corners of the world...


  1. Great pics! I had not quite pictured the geologic formation before.

    1. I know...It was really quite fascinating to see it from above. It made sense!

  2. dit is om kippevel van te krijgen wat is dit mooi.

  3. Amazing views- it really puts the falls and the river itself in perspective.

    1. It really does...the falls were massive from the ground...totally different from above...

  4. That is one slick looking chopper! It's very cool how the river 'falls', then twists and turns. Pretty wild!

  5. Wow! What a great ride. And first rate bird's eye view.

  6. What an incredible trip! Such great views from the air.

  7. How amazing! We usually only get to see one portion of the falls.

    1. It's hard to see all of the falls from the ground! This truly was a bird's eye view!

  8. Wow! Thats the way to see them. Is that a typical amount of water going over them?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  9. Indeed incredible views, incredible trip! So interesting aspects and scenery seen from above! Many thanks for sharing these pictures with us! Greetings!

  10. Wow, that is an incredible shot of the falls. I would not have pictured it as a chasm. So very interesting.

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens

  11. Wow! That is amazing. I've only seen photos of it from ground level. I had no idea that is was huge in area! Thanks! Loved these pics.


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