Monday, June 27, 2016

A Traditional Working Village...

One of the most interesting activities we did while in Zambia
was to take a tour of a traditional working village.
When we signed up, they stressed that the village was not built for tourists,
but was in fact a "real" working village.

We were the only ones on our tour.
Our guide was the lovely lady in red below...
...she was delightful and very informative.

One of the first structures we saw was...

...the jail!!!
She told us it was primarily just used for someone who had imbibed too much,
or was just being unruly!

We were there at mid and dusty.

The harsh mid day light and deep shadows made for some tough photography...

...but we had a bunch of willing models!!!

This woman was cracking nuts.

This was a sleeping hut...and of course the laundry line!

The hut on the right was where they prepared food for meals...
...the village members prepared and ate all their meals together.

This young girl was eager to pose for me!

Our guide was very proud to show us their water tanks.
She told us that the tanks were donated and constructed by American tourists
who saw the need and committed to providing this for the village.
Rotary International is involved in providing water wells and tanks in third world countries all over the world, but this wasn't done by Rotary.
Our guide told us this wasn't an organization,
just some tourists who saw the need and wanted to help.

The kids were returning from school while we were there.

 The village kitties.

This lady was busy preparing something for their meals.

These two ladies were pounding away on the tree fronds, not sure why...but they were working hard!

The primary product the villagers made was items to sell to tourists.

They actually used a power saw to block out the shape, then carving with smaller hand tools.

Just around the corner, numerous families were displaying their wares in a large 
area for our shopping pleasure.

I was too busy looking and sorting and picking out our treasures to take any photos!

And yes...we did a fine job of supporting their village economy!

For more little corners of the world, click on the image below!


  1. What an interesting visit -- thanks for sharing. I had no idea that one could tour a place like this. The people are working so hard, but do seem happy... and it is cute how the kids and the young girl liked posing.

    1. It was really pretty amazing. Coming from our culture, staying in an incredibly deluxe hotel, the contrast is existential. According to one of our guides, this is indicative of much of the population. Zambia was much different than South Africa, much more primitive, even in Livingstone.

  2. This is such an interesting post. I wonder how the adults feel, sort of being on display. I imagine if it brings in tourist money they're happy about it. Bless you for being the generous shopper you are!

    1. I know...It felt very voyeuristic. The people were quite gracious and accepting of our being there. And of course, our tourist dollars at their gift bazaar were very much desired. Our guide took us to one of the huts and let us step into it, it was tiny...with tons of stuff crammed in, and very dark as there obviously was not lighting. Lot's of curiosity aimed in our direction as we encountered people, especially the kids coming home from school.

  3. It's neat that they produce items for tourists to purchase, but if feels strange at the same time. It's a simple life; I think the huts are very interesting.

    1. Exactly Wayne! It was incredible to walk around there and experience their way of life, and yet I felt like an intruder as well.

  4. A completely different way of life. The children's expressions are delightful. And I expect those cats more than earn their keep.

    1. The children loved getting in the pictures! The adults were gracious and didn't shy away, and of course, I always asked permission to take the photos.

  5. Well this is weird...I updated my post with two additional link ups and it re-posted two additional times as new posts. That's never happened before when I've done an update!


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