Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Our Little Corner of the World...Still Visiting Kruger National Park!!!

We saw a fair number of these guys...
but since they kind of give me the willys...I wasn't all that keen on 
recording them for all eternity!!!

 Now this next shot is of the lagoon just below our lodge room...'s pretty isn't it?
Lot's of rocks...

...or are they???

 Notice anything a little different about the "rocks" in the middle of the lagoon and towards the back???

If this was a might see their ears twitching!!!



I'm sorry to say, if you try to enlarge the pics to see them more clearly, 
I've already cropped in so you won't get much magnification.

I only saw one out of the water, and it was in silhouette, at the tail end of twilight
just entering the water on the left side of the lagoon.
But we heard them!!!
They make an odd was really quite nice hearing them!

Our Tracker Daniel spotted this lady resting in a tree above the road we were on...
...she got down and ambled along...
...not too concerned that we were there!

This is where my lens envy over that guy's lens in the previous post came into play!!!
He had a 600mm lens...I had a 24-120mm lens...(but it's a nice one!) yeah...I cropped in again!!!

This is where a good quality camera and lens shine...

I may not have been able to get a close photo of this beauty...
...but I could really crop in tight and maintain the quality!!!

Isn't she regal???

Unfortunately...the only lions we saw were on the road back to our plane on the way out of Kruger.

But I'll save that story for the end of our Kruger experience!!!

To visit more Little Corners of the World or Camera Critters, click on the images below!


  1. More wonderful pictures!

  2. Beautiful cat! Yeah, predators in the water are creepy!

  3. I love your photos! I think a long lens could be considered a safety device in places like this. I wouldn't want to be "too" close. She is definitely regal and also amazing...\

  4. What a wonderful experience this must have been! Amazing images!!

  5. The leopard is gorgeous! You got some very nice photos! Love your blog header, too!

    1. Thanks Brian! The blog header is courtesy of TheChief and his iPhone!!!

  6. Those rocks have ears! And the Leopard is wonderful. I hope to get some pictures of crocs later this year when I head north for a week.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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