Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blogging with Sadie!!!

This morning while I was going through my usual morning blog routine, Miss Sadie joined me and was quite fascinated by the blogs...

(ok...I think it was the little pointer moving around the screen and the changing pictures...)

Sadie was especially mesmerized by Miss V's B'ham blog...I think she really liked the magnolia!!!

I didn't think I'd get these shots as my camera was in the other room...I got up, ran and got my camera, and she stayed!!!

She's back again...checking to make sure I put the right pics up!!!


  1. Did any of these sites have birds or rats on them?

    Pasadena crime novelist Dianne Emley often writes with a black cat on her lap!

  2. How adorable. I don't write with my dog in my lap, but she is usually sprawled out somewhere close by.

  3. I think she wanted to watch something on you- tube. I had a dog once that watched television. When an animal was on, she'd press her nose to the screen. Then when the animal disappeared, she'd run to the back of the TV to find it. That trick never got old.

  4. Gads she's pretty. Great markings, great name. In the last photo she's asking you to visit Pasadena Adjacent...yes, she is. She wants to meet Tova

  5. Purr! She'll probably end up with a blog of her own if you don't watch out.

  6. may be right...
    she does keep trying to take over the keyboard...

    Margaret...Our Daisy girl (the big ol' couch potato senior Golden Retriever) is generally in the doorway, or the hallway...preferably midway between the Hubman and me!!!

    No birds or rats Cafe...but V had pretty flowers!!!

    AH...she was awfully interested in that little arrow thing that kept moving around!!!

    Thanks Pas Adjacent!!! She'll have to check it out and look for a pic of Tova!!! She does like to play (and pick on her step sister Cleo...)!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love to read your comments and see where you all are from!!! I will respond as well as visit your sites!!!

Please note that if you are a Google+ member I won't be able to comment, but I will still visit your site!

Have a wonderful day!!!