Monday, November 2, 2009

The Baltic...a retrospective... here's the deal...I'm trying to figure out the new computer and how it organizes it's photos and uploads and all that stuff...iPhoto and My Pictures have virtually nothing in common...and I'm a bit befuddled!!! At any rate...I'm still figuring it all out...and in the's a bit of a retrospective...we went to Copenhagen for the Rotary International Conference in of the reason's I agreed to my hubby's being President of his club that year was the added bonus that he was expected to attend the international conference...when he told me where it was I told him he absolutely had a responsibility to serve his Rotary community as he'd been called on to do....
(tee hee!!!)

During the conference, we attended an event in Malmo Sweden, just across the Baltic from was almost Midsummer's Eve and the Swede's hosting our event entertained us with a traditional Midsummer's Eve dance...and believe it or not...this was taken close to 10:00 in the evening!!!

Sunset was finally around 11:00...

Several of the Rotary clubs arranged for a cruise in the Baltic...we stopped in St. Petersburg, Russia...a special stop for me as that is the birthplace of my paternal grandfather...
This is St. Isaac's of St. Petersburg's largest cathedrals...

Opulence abounds in historic Russia...quite in contrast with the more current architecture of past the Soviet Union...

This is one of the most photographed churches in St. Petersburg...and you can see's fabulous!!! It is commonly known as the Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood. It was constructed on the site where Czar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. The actual name is Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Alexander II was known for having freed the Russian serf's in 1861...unfortunately for him, he grew more conservative as his reign continued and as revolution was beginning to foment. He became a target of the revolutionaries and was assassinated.


  1. The exterior shots are beautiful with
    great angles chosen by the shooter to emphasize
    the dimension and details. Whew, I'll bet that
    sentence is against all rules of grammar.

    Nice opportunity for you.

  2. Chief, if U ever get tired of attending these conferences in far away foreign lands, lemme know - I'd be willing to take your spot.

    (Notebook or Desktop?)

  3. Hi DD!!! Thanks!!! Compliments don't need to be grammatically correct!

    Sorry Cafe...I'm a conference junky...both foreign and domestic...especially if it's somewhere I've never been...

    ...Desktop...been having internet problems as well...the ATT guy was just here and hopefully his fix will stick!!!

  4. Oh I don't vist here enough. Please forgive me. Your photography is just amazing! I appreciate your visits and comments to very much. Please keep peeking in from time to time!

  5. Thanks Virginia!!! I think we've got a mutual admiration society starting up here!!! I love your site and your photos!!! You have an exceptional eye! And just plain fun!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Oh, somehow I think Virg and Chieftess could get into all kinds of trouble.

    But these places, oh golly.

  7. I suspect you're right AH!!! And thanks! We've been really fortunate to be able to go to some really beautiful spots in the world!!!

  8. Chief,
    GIrl I'd love to sell some of my photos to somebody for pete's sake. It's money flowing out and nuttin flowing in!
    PS Hiker's right you know. All kinds of trouble. :)

  9. Then get out there and sell it girl!!! If I were a ballet studio owner...I'd buy it in triplicate!!!

    And you and Hiker are absolutely right...all kinds of trouble!!!

  10. great shots, I espessially loved your sunset!! Have a wonderful weekend, and don't hesitate to visit my blogs

  11. Thank you Hagemor!!! I'm a regular follower of your Post your Dog or Cat!!! We have two cats and a wonderful Golden Retriever...and I'm working on capturing their special personalities on camera!!! We were in Sweden 3 years ago...but never made it to Norway...Sweden was beautiful and I can only imagine how beautiful Norway must be...there was something very special about the air there...the city sparkled...


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love to read your comments and see where you all are from!!! I will respond as well as visit your sites!!!

Please note that if you are a Google+ member I won't be able to comment, but I will still visit your site!

Have a wonderful day!!!